Terrible place for go Karting. We got the 3 races thing and only had time to do 2 so I've had the pleasure of 2 bad experiences there when I went back for the 3rd race. At first I thought the terrible experience might have been a nazi power tripping employee and I just had bad luck, but nope....I'm pretty sure it's their mantra to kill all the fun and joy out of go Karting. You can't bump or even tap anyone or anything, not even by accident. The first time a car passing me ended up in a tiny bump that resulted in them slowing the race just to threaten to kick me off. It's not only me, I found it rather annoying every time someone else had a small infraction they stop everyone's karts to lecture that one person. When they're not stopping people to threaten them they're waving these stupid flags at people to make sure you're driving the exact way they want. They waved a flag at me to let some bitch pass. Huh? It's a fuckin race, why would i willinginly let someone pass, they gotta work for that shit. I decided the flag was a suggestion as opposed to a rule so I ignored it, which lead to him stopping the race to tell me im only aloud to drive on the left hand side or I'm out. Thanks captain kill joy !
The 2nd time i was there i bumped the side bumpers, didn't get threatened but rather they just slowed my kart down for the duration of the race. Pedal to the floor I didn't even need to break to turn the corners anymore, it was so borrrrring. It's called speeders, not casual Sunday drivers.
After that i decided I'm not going back to adolf speeders anymore. This place really knows how to leach suck the happiness right out of you.
And FYI speeders: It's panda beawwwr, not panda BEER. I'm not a drunk panda.