| - This place has really thin walls. You can hear almost everything. Upstairs, downstairs, inside and outside, in the hallways it echoes down and up the stairs (3 stories high). You can hear the person above you. Regular walking or stomping/heavy walkers, and people talking.
We always hear people on the other side of our front door, through the windows with them shut, other side of the shower and other people's washer/dryer, and in our closet. Talking, laughing and yelling. Some people just excited about football games or UFC fights or whatever else they are watching and having a party about. We always hear people/kids screaming/yelling and being loud at the park and at the pool. We don't care. We have NEVER complained.
But to others you can't be loud at all or you will get a complaint from a neighbor (downstairs mostly) no matter what time it is. Ridiculous. But do we complain about the other people? NO. We let people live their own life because it is too short and we don't judge. Everyone is going through something, we are the most understanding, kind people.
So do we get complaints about US from our downstairs neighbor? YES. Bullshit. Btw, they are steelers fans, we are COWBOYS. Hah. Go figure.
You can't have loud tv, speakers or surround sound, loud noises, or speak loudly (you "have" to whisper), can't have anything loud like vacuum or dish washer, washing machine, dyer, or shower after 6pm, can't thump or walk on wood, you have to tip toe basically. You can't yell, argue, debate or be loud, you can't re arrange your apartment (unless it's very quietly) or live like how most people live/what we all go through in life. If your family member dies you can't cry or get upset. Well I'm so upset and hurt that someone is trying to ruin our life and complain to get us kicked out. We aren't trying to be loud. We are just living our normal routine life, trying to get by, minding our own business, not hurting or bothering anyone. But the person below is after us. We are good people and DON'T complain about anyone else or about their loud dog that barks or how they always talk loudly on their balcony.
We are nice, considerate people. What happened to looking out for each other & living your own life, mind your own business, ignore others? Why try and ruin someone else's life and take their home away from them on purpose? It's beyond me.. this is all we have. Please don't take it away from us.
Also, our sinks leak, we get cockroaches in our apartment somehow even though we pay for pest control. The bills for utilities all change every month. It doesn't make sense. It's never consistent or the same. Pest control, trash, wind control,...etc. shouldn't change a lot every month... hmm...?