| - Let's get the cons over with first (the final star that could've been)
-Got a call ~2 hours before our "meeting time" (4:45 p.m., one of the last, if not for the last evening departure for the season) saying there is a 50% chance the ride would be canceled due to "thermal winds" - I was a bit bummed, as this was a birthday present on my actual birthday planned for sometime - also we are from Chicago and didn't know if we would be able to get it in before heading back - with that being said, my thoughts are if your hot air balloon ride possibly being canceled is one of the biggest problems in life, you must be doing pretty good. Anywho, so not that this would've been a negative towards the company whatsoever, as hey, they can't control the weather... However, we decided to take the drive (~35 minutes from where we stay) and hope for the best, as we were told they wouldn't know until really close to flight time. Fortunately, we were able to get on, everything was smooth, etc. With that being said, afterwards we asked others (10 other people in our group, 3 different groups of people) if they had received a similar call from the company. Not one of them had. Giving people the benefit of the doubt (i.e. one group didn't because they didn't check their voicemails, etc.) is quite difficult in this situation. Especially since we got a pretty good deal, we feel that they probably overbooked and were trying to reschedule us for a next day 6:00 a.m. apt. that was not yet filled. This is speculation, of course, but even if this is not the case...that means they did not call to inform others about the possibility of it being canceled to at least give them as well the opportunity to reschedule/not drive there for nothing? Hmm..
-Other con, while more minor, still should be was my birthday, and I read other reviews that they had given cake or had a sign on hot air balloon (my husband had informed them ahead of time) or something to make it a little more special (as if going on a hot air balloon isn't enough! lol) - there was nothing like husband ended up paying for the souvenir champagne glasses ($10/each!), which could've easily just been given to us, or at least one of them, as a birthday gift. They are really cute but definitely not work $10/each.
Now for the GOODS!
Smooth take-off, somewhat rocky landing. The way I prefer!
I am alive and thus am able to write this review.
It was absolutely beautiful.
So unique.
Again...really...Overwhelmingly beautiful.
Captain was extremely laid-back, made some jokes, and made everyone feel safe and comfortable.
It got pretty dark after we landed, which added to the fun of being in the middle of the desert, drinking some champagne and a small yet uniquely put together plate of h'orderves.
We got to over 7,000 feet in the air, which just feels cool to say.
Thank you, Hot Air Expeditions for an unforgettable experience!