| - I will start with saying I moved here from FL where my four dogs were all boarded at Pet Paradise (PP). PP was an amazing facility in St Augustine and in Jacksonville. Sadly I never took the time to write a Yelp review as I was not a yelper at the time; however, I have given them ample praise on their FB pages. There is a PP here but it's in the far North Valley - too far for this East Valley girl.
This review is not about PP it's about my experience with 24/7 (all 3 facilities - Gilbert, Chandler, and Tempe). I will share the good, bad and ugly because reviews have to be honest and candid. It is then up to the owner to provide feedback or make changes if there are issues not being addressed. First and foremost I have to give a huge shoutout to Brandi the manager at the Gilbert location. When I first found 24/7 I was curious of the cage free facility so I called and had a LONG talk w/ Brandi and then sent an email w/ all my questions. I received a response back almost immediately and the owner, Steven was willing to work with with me because of the amount of pets I had. I drove out to the location to 'inspect' it and was overall pleased with the facility. Things I loved was the cage free environment, things I didn't love was my big dog would be separated from her siblings (3 small poms). I was told they would gradually introduce my big girl into the large dog room as my baby has some fear issues and did not adjust to change easily. I also didn't like the 'pet smell.'
My first boarding experience was in 2014 and I had nothing but great results, my pups came home tired and exhausted from the 24/7 stimulation and I loved being able to come home and my pups were all 'chill.' By the next day they were back to their normal crazy rambunctious selves. I continued to board at Gilbert for a long time, until Brandi left the company, sometime in 2015. I boarded multiple times through 2014 and into 2015.
This moves me to the Chandler location. I only boarded at this location twice. The commute from my house to Chandler is much easier and it's on the way to the airport; however, I am all about service and when I am spending a few grand a year on boarding I expect a certain level of service. I expect the manager to great me and to be personable. I expect when I pick up my dogs there is some level of customer service. Instead it was like a stranger on the street - not a loyal customer. When I picked my dogs up a snotty young girl checked me out and had charged me the wrong amount and then wanted to argue with me. Let me remind you thousands of dollars a year and I do not expect to be challenged. All she had to do was call Gilbert or Steven to verify my daily rate. By the time I left I wrote to the owner Steven of my dissatisfaction and advised I would never return to the Chandler location. Truthfully while Steven did apologize as well as the Gilbert manager, the snotty front desk clerk at Chandler should have called to apologize as well as the manager from that location (who is still with the company but at a different location). At this point I was torn what to do with my dogs. I missed Brandi and her personalized attention. I began looking at other facilities, but had no success.
I continued my boarding at Gilbert Dogs even w/ Brandi gone. I will say the level of service was different not bad but not 5 star. THANKFULLY Brandi returned to the business. Brandi and the staff are always great posting photos on social media sites and You Tube so when I'm on vacation I can see how they are doing - this is the one thing I love. I can also call at any hour 24/7 and ask for a photo of my babies, check on them, etc. Brandi worked at Tempe where I also boarded and have never had a single bad experience in 2 1/2 years. In fact I love that facility because it appears larger; however, still my one complaint is the smell. There are products on the market for kennels which can eliminate the smell of pets. I do know they disinfect all the time - I have seen it first hand because I never call before I pick up my babies. somebody is always cleaning something. I also know my fur babies have never come home to me sick, scratched, bitten, etc. I will sum up by saying: This is a cage free facility staffed 24/7- you won't find this at any other facility. If your dog stinks pay for a bath or schedule an appointment with your groomer. Boarding comes with risks regardless of where you go, if you don't like risks then stay at home, take your pet with you or take your pet to a family member. But keep in mind even the family member could leave the side gate open or forget to put on a thunder shirt. Point to be made - 24/7 is a great facility. My biggest recommendation to the owner hire a stronger management team (turn Brandi into a Regional Manager over all 3 locations, consistency between locations & order some Kennel Sol or another brand to keep the pet smell at a minimal or get some Scentsy! :)