| - So after a horrible, quick, rude and unhelpful experience that lasted about 35 minutes, I'm billed $419!! $379 on insurance and $40 for who know's what,..It doesn't state what the $40 is for. I don't have a co-pay. They did want to charge me $40 to fill out 2 pages of military paperwork which they never did.(You'd think a decent person or business would fill out 5 minutes max of paperwork for a vet,...maybe give back a little,.. LOL not these guys,.. they could care less!!) They did charge $379 to my insurance,.. asked me to be there 30 minutes early and fill out 6 pages of paperwork. I didn't ask for a discount for filling out all this paperwork,.. but we're not on the same level,.. these people are entitled and demeaning. These people acted like they were giving out free appointments, I cannot believe how disrespectful they were. Dr Richardson left the office before filling out any paperwork and was unavailable unless I scheduled another appointment with the rude assistant. Which I'm sure they'd charge another $300+. This place is a nightmare,... money hungry turn and burn business!!