After a disappointing run in with Anijle (which does not depart from the rest of the reviews posted here so its not worth repeating) I emailed the owner regarding my disappointments. This is too priceless to not share with the rest of the world:
"So basically you don't have nothing better else to do with your time
but to sit there and write a long email about what the cleaners did
and how you didn't want to reschedule. First of all you didn't talk to
me and I can't control what other people do so because they were tired
after the last filty house they did they didn't feel like cleaning
yours and made up a excuse not to come don't have anything to do with
my cleaning houses. Just because they didn't show up to clean your
house your opinion doesn't matter to me because you sound ignorant
just like the rest yelpers saying that we shouldn't clean houses
because of a missed appoinment well you shouldn't have a job because
you call off work. See how slow that sounds. Your boss should fire you
for calling off work. Really slow. I don't care about yelp as you can
see with my responses to the other people who want to get ignorant
through email and tell me what I should and shouldn't do. You recieved
your money back and that should have been the end of it. I know how to
discipline my workers for when they do things they do I don't need
your advice to tell me how to run my business. The houses we do clean
left good reviews with amazon and thats why the want to run another
special. You do not to email me. We will continue to run specials to
make all the yelpers mad lol we enjoy it. Out of 1000 house 15 review."