Yoshinoya, the beef bowl fast food chain from Japan. It's beef bowl has a unique seasoning which no one can duplicate. Taste preference is up to each individual. 90% of the people I introduced Yoshinoya to have loved their beef bowl. The few who didn't like it is mainly due to the cut of their beef. The stringy and thinly sliced beef, that's most definitely frozen before being distributed to each chain restaurant. The onions and flavoring added to the broth stock is the other half of the equation. I think its beef bowl is something you love it or hate it. I'm happy Yoshinoya set up a shop in Vegas, despite Vegas' small city size. There's no Yoshinoya in larger cities such as Chicago or any other Midwestern cities for that matter. It seems to be a coastal thing in the US.
Beef bowl is what made Yoshinoya famous. So I won't comment nor do I order other items on the menu. Chicken is not too bad. I heard steak bowl is decent. But it's the beef bowl that stays true to Yoshinoya's name.