If this restaurant was closer to my house, I'd come here a lot! The fish tacos are huge and delicious! Love their mango salsa! I do wish you could order just one taco. Two is too much for me and reheated tacos are kinda icky. Personally, I like the coleslaw with its slight wasabi taste to it, but my husband doesn't prefer it.
My husband thought the steak taco was good but nothing special.
Last trip my husband ordered taro chips. I thought he was crazy but they turned out to be surprisingly delicious.
They have a pineapple coconut tea that is TO DIE FOR!!! I absolutely love it!! If I could get just one taco and the tea, I'd make the drive here much more often. It would be my crack.
All this being said, service is spotty. It's quite common for someone to come by to see if you need anything but 90% of the time they've never brought the requested item to us. I think they're too busy to be able to do more than deliver the food and clean tables, but they try.