I'm in total disbelief! I literally have never been treated so mean by a cashier in my whole life. I went in the store last night and bought a few items for my son I was digging in my purse to get my cash there were 2 people behind me and apparently I was taking to long because GWEN told me to hurry up with a mean grumpy voice and she was actually quite loud because the other customers gasped. I asked her did you just tell me to hurry up ? She rolled her eyes and said yeah ! Hurry up.
I wasn't even taking long ! She was just plain mean.
So I go in today hoping she wouldn't be working the day shift & sure enough she was.
I go in there quite often and have noticed that she's often grumpy, everybody is entitled to have a bad day but when someone goes in there two days in a row and gets treated horrible it's an issue.
So I asked her what her name was, and she said "WHY" I said because I don't see a name tag what's your name? She absolutely refused to tell me, I asked what's your supervisors name ? she said why are you upset about last night?
I said actually yes it was rather rude and embarrassing. She literally threw my change on the counter and didn't even bag my items I had to ask her twice to please have a bag
I have no idea why she would treat me like this it's just weird
I hope she has a better day! there are other things to get upset about, a customer giving you money is not one of them.