I got a Groupon for this place, went 45 minutes out of my way thinking this was going to be very relaxing and fantastic. Wrong. The massage chair sort of vibrated, not even giving me any feeling in my back, I had to literally push myself against it to feel something. The "whirlpool" was nothing more than a portable foot soaker, which they did not add water to fully, so I was constantly swishing my feet around trying to keep my ankles warm. The chair is in an awkward spot, so I couldn't even watch the TV they had in the "waiting area". My massage lasted all of 5 minutes, both legs. There were no essential oils nor a face mask (as the ad promised). When it was time for my mani, it wasn't even comfortable to watch TV from that position either. I love my colors, or else I would have asked for my money back.. but I wish they had paid for my gas to get out there. I do not recommend unless you have nothing better to do with your day.