| - Show, newly relocated to THE QUAD - Formerly Imperial Palace
Do NOT see this show if.....
1. You are an old, grouching, crotchety geriatric.
2. Have only a few ear follicles remaining before going deaf.
3. Don't like an excessive amount of noise.
Otherwise, it was a ton-O-fun!!
But it was really short, rolling in at one hour on the dot.
There was probably more crowd participation than them actually performing (which is a bummer, that's is why I wanted to go, to see them, I loved them on America's Got Talent).
According to the sound decibel chart, a "loud rock concert" is 115dB - I'm going out on a limb here, but I would say it's MUCH louder than that!! EVERYONE, that's every single person in the theater, has a drum stick & a pot/pan/lid, pounding the sh*t out of it practically every minute through out the show. Just a few decibels louder and "even short term exposure can cause permanent damage - Loudest recommended exposure WITH hearing protection is 140dB" - so basically, you ruin your ears when you see this show.
However, the guys are adorable, you can't not like them.
If you have kids who are constantly pounding counter-tops, or are in a band, GO-if you have a mad crush on any of the dudes-GO, they're wearing tight white pants..or if you want something unique and FUN-GO ------just bring ear plugs dude, no joke, you'll thank me!!!