| - I had high hopes for this Canadian Tire. One of the first, if not the first Canadian Tire in the downtown area. It seemed like an ingenious idea, I mean people who live downtown have to buy household items and outdoor equipment too. This Canadian Tire is pretty central on Yonge, a little North of Bloor (right across from MTV Canada studio). It's fairly accessible on the subway line, you have to walk a little bit.
My experience did not start off on the right foot. First of all, the parking situation is a little absurd. If you're thinking of going down there to just LOOK at something, maybe hold off. Parking is $4 for 30 minutes or less.. what the hell! If you buy more than $10, you can park there free for the first 1.5 hours. So you're better off buying something, anything, because you're going to have to pay for parking anyways.
You would think that the building would be air conditioned too, especially on a hot and humid day such as today (feel like 34C).. Nope,think again. The store is not only busy, but it's also disorganized too. Everything seemed crammed together and for the size of the store, it seemed rather small. I would have liked to have gone into the store when it first opened just to see the difference compared to now.
I was there looking for pots for plants. They didn't really have too many. We looked at camping equipment too, meh, again you can do better at MEC or La Baron. All in all, Canadian Tire was a tad disappointing. My suggestion is to look at their weekly flyer, they have some good sales, other than that check out the website. Then if you find something you really like, and only then, go to this Canadian Tire. Otherwise, save your $4 and time.