It is unfortunate that people pass judgment so quickly and are not even residents, or at best only renting a few months! Yes, a dog has peed In the elevator, what this person failed to note is that as soon as it is reported to prop management, it is cleaned immediately. And the same goes for the poop on the grounds.
Yes, some units are darker than others; that's the result of the most outstanding archetecture in AZ. This place has marvels and wonders that I dare anyone to find elsewhere. And the fitness center IS air conditioned and sometimes more crowded than other times. That's a testament to how awesome it is. I wonder how someone would know so adamantly that non-residents r using the facilities
I have lived here for 6 years now and wouldn't change it for anything. Where else do u get surrounded by such natural beauty in the heart of a growing city. And cuddos to prop mgmt, who is transparent, responsive, and wonderful to work with