Hi, this is my fourth year at pvcc, I am almost 23 years old, and I know I am a very good student. My GPA is 3.2, and the only reason I have been able to maintain it is because I have had to re-due EVERY science course taken at pvcc. It is very obvious that these teachers are not examined, considering I am not the only one who this has happened to. I wont be specific but one of my family members is science division chair at a different community college, and I know what it is to be a good teacher. My parents have constantly told me to go to Scott the division chair at pvcc but honestly if its this bad, then its clear it would be a waste of my time. I have given PVCC plently of chances to provide me with a good education in science and now I blame myself for not leaving sooner. I understand college students fend for themselves but it is completely wrong how much money is spent on these courses when it isnt even necessary to have a teacher or let alone spend money on gas to get to class, (thankfully i have a tuition wavier). I regret staying at pvcc for this long, and it is easy to say this is the last semester I will ever take here. If your not going into a science degree I am sure you will have a better education, because I have had good teachers in other departments. Just PLEASE take my advice and do not do science courses at pvcc. It has wasted years of my education.