I don't know if this location is just one of all the others or not. I would assume so by all the "Best of Phoenix" stuff on the walls and just like all the rest, this one is in a seedy location and nowhere near clean by any standard. In fact, I'm sure if I saw the Kitchen area I would never eat at another Long Wongs, but I digress. Back to the review.
I learned today that you can say "Heaven and Hell" another way by using "Chili Cheese Fries". Why Heaven and Hell you ask? Heaven because of the way they taste and Hell for the mess and calorie count they must surely contain. I was even dumb enough to order a burger to go with these "Hells Angels" but all I could muster from it was one lowly bite. Just enough so I could say "MMMMMmmmmm" before it went cold. Well at least I know whats for dinner tonight now.
TIP- There's no sign on the road (YET) so look for the Mobil Car Wash on Indian School. Its behind there.