DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT GO HERE. ..I'm not a huge fan of going to the dentist like 80 percent of the population and this place is exactly why. I'm pretty scared of the dentist and self conscious of my teeth.i don't think i have the wrist teeth in the world but i had braces as a kid and they did not work due to a tongue thrust. I do not need active telling me i don't floss enough or brush enough but i especially don't need a perfect stranger telling me this seventeen times in a two hour span making me feel like a criminal. This is literal. They were so condescending and rude the entire appointment forcing me into work i didn't agree with. They talked in dentral jargon and went tooth by tooth making me feel like all my teeth were about the fall out if i didn't floss five times a day. On top of all of this, the dental hygienist was chewing gum through the entire appointment pretty unprofessional for a dentist office. Even though i had no pain going into the office and no complaints they made me feel like not flossing every day the times a day would cause my teeth to fall out. Mind you the first thing I said to these peer-to-peer was I have a phobia of going to the dentist you'd think they would have had a better bed side manner. If you are not a fan of going to the dentist DO NOT GO HERE.
EDIT** After reading my review these people took it upon themsElves to cancel my husband appointment before I had a chance to call and cancel it myself. Extremely unprofessional! In my opinion I got the impression this practice is more concerned with making as much money as they can from the patient rather than the actual patients individualized needs.