This review is specifically for their pediatric department.
My first concern with this establishment is that absolutely everything is discussed out in the open in the lobby. Everything from the child's progress, delays, payments, scheduling, absolutely everything is brought up in front of other patients and their parents. Even disagreements are aired in front of everyone and I partly believe they do this so you won't disagree with them.
My second problem is in regard to what they told us was going to be going on and what really went on. We original went in for speech therapy but my son who is autistic was overwhelmed, so they suggested OT. We were then told by the OT Josh that the goal was to get my son used to working with him and then they would add speech at the same time as OT. A few months go by and I asked OT Josh when would we be adding speech, he told me to talk to scheduling. From scheduling I find out that OT and speech at the same time is not even a possibility.
During this time my son was also approved to start an early intervention government program that would bring therapies into our home and help teach us how to better work with him. We brought this program up with OT Josh and he did nothing but bash the program and tell us how badly our son would do that the program is overrun and that we would never actually see anyone. After hearing this I was really upset but decided to go through working with the program and I have had nothing but a positive experience. They have been the complete opposite of what OT Josh tried to sell us. It was then that I started to realize their concern was not how well my son would do but how much money it would be taking from them.
Even though it was a government program we are responsible for paying for a portion of the visits, because of this we decided to cut back to every other week with OT Josh. He was furious and full out argued with me in the lobby about how inconvenient it was for him. When he realized that I would not budge he stormed off and told me to talk to scheduling. I went over to her and she just tried moving me to another day every week. Finally she went back to talk to him and came back and said pretty much he didn't want to do that. I told her if it won't work take us off the schedule. It was then that she agreed to put us on for every other week.
About a month into this schedule he again went over how inconvenient it was for him and wanted us to move us opposite to another family doing every other week but at 12:30. My son is a toddler and naps at that time. He also tried to sweeten the deal with promises of speech therapy on the same days or every other week between OT. Something they already told us wasn't going to happen. At that point we just had them pull us from the schedule. They were willing to work with another family for every other week but not ours. I wonder how much money they were making off that other family to make such a deal?
Another problem I had was how OT Josh treated me when I was by myself and when my husband was around. He would full out argue and fight with me and tell me I was wrong, but when my husband was around he was very understanding and would try to "work with us".
For the therapy sessions them self he played games with my toddler that we could do at home. He told us that they would start working on a obstacle course to teach my son to slow down and think. I never once saw that happen. OT Josh was also notorious for telling me that my son just didn't want to work today (he was usually referring to the last 15 mins of an hour session). He is two if he wanted to work with you the whole time I would be shocked. He also never gave real feedback on how we could help at home or to better prepare him for coming in. He would come up with pointless suggestions that I could have come up with on my own. Once we moved our schedule to every other week OT Josh stopped trying and it became a waste of our money.
We get way more one on one attention and care with a government program than we did with a private company. There seems to be something wrong with that.
My son was recently approved for long-term care. Meaning that we will be reimbursed for everything medical we have paid out of pocket for him dating back to July 1st. I requested a statement showing what we paid and they sent me an incorrect statement. We were being charge a $40 copay but they were trying to tell me that, that wasn't why we were being charged the $40 that we "obviously" owed them money somewhere else. I ended up arguing with them for at least 45 minutes before they agreed to send the payment statement that matched what I had. To top it off I was also informed that they owe us $40 that I am sure we never would have seen again had I not called them back.
Program we are using You do not have to have a diagnosis of any kind for your child. It is geared towards kids w/any delay.