| - I don't go here for a couple years and then BAM! 3 times in a month. I'm giving this a general review, as I've been here for a Flames game, Roughnecks game and the Rihanna concert, so very different events.
First complaint is the cost of parking, $15 is a little steep. Like really steep. Fortunately I was driven all 3 times so it wasn't that big of deal.
Flames games are generally a sh!t show, not in a bad way, but tons of people, tons of lines and so forth. That being said, they keep the bathrooms pretty clean for as much traffic as there is. And most lines don't take too long, they are quite efficient.
I did like how for 50/50 they have stations now instead of trying to track someone down. Still didn't win at either game!
And for the concert we had club seats so we were in the bottom of the dome most of it, which has way less people an no lines to get booze. All in all it's the dome, it's the only sport complex we have, so make it the best it is.