This place is for restaurant owners & those that buy in bulk alike.
If you have a current valid business license (*hint* it doesn't even need to be in the restaurant dept) -- you can apply (for free!) to Restaurant Depot.
This place is like the HOME DEPOT for food and cutlery/utensils/restaurant furniture, etc.
I like this place for several reasons.
1. Bulk Buying = Bulk Savings.
You really have to look at their advertisement before shopping at this place to get the best deals, but regardless of what you may buy - it's almost always a better deal than your local supermarket.
If you've read my other reviews, it's probably nothing new that I like my meat *halal* - and when you say halal & bulk & savings've pretty much won my heart. A majority of the restaurants that serve halal meat get it from this place too, cause you quality :)
3. Ghirardelli sauce? Whipped cream? Fresh bulked veggies? Are you hosting a big dinner and need supplies? This place is YOUR place.
P.S. The cooler zone where they keep their perishables is freaking cold...but worry not - they have these warm puffy coats that you can put on while you roam inside those freezers....just make sure to take them off and not walk around them in the rest of the store (like I've done on one too many occasions) *I wasn't trying to steal, I promise*