| - Even though there are not that many places to shop here in champaign (well, at least I think so) this is alllllright.
The previous reviewer is so right about the quality of the clothes. As soon as I get home, a button falls off. So annoying. Why do i keep coming back? I have no freaking clue.
I once showed one of the girls that works there that my jacket buttons have all fallen off and I asked her if she has noticed that with the clothes there. "Like, no, I've, like totally never seen that before"...and then I said "then why does all the clothes on the SALE rack have no buttons or busted zippers??"...mhmhmmmmm???
"That is weird..."
Another gripe is as soon as I get into the dressing room (after they take my purse, sweet jeebus) they knock on the door asking me if everything is okay!!! ...I just GOT IN THERE!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Next time i should walk out in my underoos and go "I don't know what do you think? Does it , like, make my butt look big?? OMG"
This place sucks, but where else can we shop here in town?? Oh yeah, Urban Outfitters is opening soon. Maybe Pitaya should work on these things, so they dont lose business. Or go out of business.