I'm appalled at the way my husband and I were treated this afternoon at this establishment. Seat yourself, they tell you. We moved booths the first time since the table was unsteady and we sunk into the seat. Next spot was tight as we found a friend was joining us and we needed a bigger area. Moved again, only to have the hostess with black glasses and black hair scold us! She literally said, "Are you finally settled?" Insert her eye roll.... We were about to laugh with her until she came out with, "I seriously can't have you moving around our restaurant anymore." Ummm ok, I tell her we're not being assholes, we've moved our stuff, made no previous mess. Check please.... note to management.. you've lost good lunch customers over the ignorance and social awkwardness of your not-so hospitable hostess. I've never been treated like this and we're industry lifers. We paid our tab, before we could order more with the pleasant Angelica. (You deserved that tip, thank you again!) Next we gave a homeless person our meal. At least we found one positive at this property.