Went to North Valley Dermatology for Botox injections for my Hyperhidrosis. This is a covered procedure through my insurance. I was billed for the Botox. $120. I have never had to do this before and questioned them about it. Normally I pay my $20 co-pay and that is all. They answered me in medical terms and codes I could not understand and I blew it off because I was desperate to have this done as it had been over 1 yr since my last procedure in a different state.
Six months after my first office visit I knew I had to have it done again but before I called them to schedule the appointment they called me to tell me they were no longer going to do this and bill my insurance and that I was going to have to pay $700 out of pocket to have it done because it just wasn't profitable for them.
Of course I called my insurance and asked if they could make me pay out of pocket. The insurance company told me as long as they have a contract with them they have to honor the negotiated price for the procedure.
I called NVD to tell them what I know and they reluctantly agreed to administer the Botox through insurance. And again billed me $120 for the Botox.
After having time to think about how unethical they were to try and deny me my insurance coverage I decided to look for another dermatologist.
Thank you Arrowhead Dermatology for not only being professional and taking the time to call my insurance but to tell me all I have to pay is the $20 co-pay.
North Valley you need to send your office people to Arrowhead so they can learn proper codes and billing. YOU SUCK!