Growing up in Mexico raspados were a typical summer treat. I lived in a small town and we bought our raspados from whatever neighborhood lady took in the entrepreneurial spirit that summer and decided to make some extra money by selling them out of her home. The raspados of my childhood involved shaved ice with syrup. They were simple but delicious.
Now raspados have evolved into a delicious combination of shaved ice and anything you can top it off with. I have been pretty skeptical of this new(er) trend and have continued to order a good old fashioned raspado in those rare occasions that I have one.
I went into this shop and bought a medium sized (that made Starbuck's Venti size look ridiculous for something other than the name) Diablito.
The Diablito is a delicious combination of shaved ice, mango syrup, mango slices, chamoy, different types of tamarindo candy and what is known in Mexico as Japanese peanuts.
Well, my dear yelpers, I am changed woman. I will never look at a traditional raspado with the same eyes. I had an experience that made me pull over on the side of the road after I started driving just so I could eat it and not place other drivers in harms way. That's how freaking good this raspado was. You have to try it!
Aside from the raspados they also tortas and other food items but I did not have any or pay much attention to that portion of the menu, I will definitely be back soon to try another Diablito and some of the food they have to offer.