I love this restaurant.
I dream of this restaurant.
The fact that I am now no longer living in Toronto, and thus no longer able to eat here makes me want to crawl into a corner and write sad poetry about first world problems. And loneliness. And wilting roses.
*All time favorites* (but keep in mind, everything is very tasty):
- CHARCUTERIE! oh.my.god. Can you say "duck prosciutto"? EVERYTHING on that platter is amazing, even the heart! Any place that can make me gush about heart is a winner.
- horse tartar. Man....I grew up playing with Breyer horses and My Little Pony. All of those memories went COMPLETELY out the window when I ate this dish.
Horse = tasty
- tongue on brioche. UUGGGHHHHHHHHH. (that is a good "uggghhh") so amazingly good. Tender, perfectly cooked slices of yumminess. Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that I was always out in public while eating that dish, I'd have started talking to it Anthony Bourdain-style (for those of you who watched No Reservations, you know what I mean).
- ANY of their cocktails. Genius. Masterful. Boozy. Winners.
Go to this place, take photos, and make me feel super jealous.