If you are looking for take-out Chinese food, you should really be looking for something else besides Yum Yum or Panda Express, but here is my review nonetheless:
This place is just a less delicious Panda. I hate to say that, but it is true. The only reason it is worse is because since it is usually almost empty (even on Fri/Sat/Sun nights), they cannot keep cooking fresh food to fill their large serving area--so their food ends up sitting there for hours on end. Panda Express on the other hand constantly has customers so they are constantly having to refill their serving area--thus, freshly cooked food all the time.
The price is great though. I'm usually in this area for Chipotle, but if I'm really burned out on burritos, Yum Yum always sounds good. They used to do samples of their Orange Chicken right outside, but I think people started taking advantage of this so they stopped.
Like I said before, if you are looking for take-out Chinese food, you should really be looking for something else besides Yum Yum or Panda Express.