| - My experience at Brooks Brothers (BB) leaves a lot to be desired.
Perhaps it was the way I was dressed (shorts and a short sleeve dress shirt) which allowed the gentleman helping me to be so off putting and rude.
I came in looking for an extra slim fit dress shirt ($89.50, a fair price) . He measured me (incorrectly), I know my sleeve size and my arm did NOT just shrink! and gave me a shirt to try on, it was of course, short and to top it off, fit like a sail. Clearly extra slim fit was not slim enough. Fine, I said thanks and I'll look around at some pants. The gentleman insisted that the sleeves were fine and that I can "take in" the shirt. Too bad the shirt is already darted!
Anyway, another co-worker re-measures me and exclaims that the other guy "doesn't know what he's doing!" okay.. so much for professionalism!
I wander over to look at trousers (2 for $229, not too bad) and tell the gentleman my size, he says he doesn't have that size, but that I should try on this size (he hands me a pant an inch larger than I asked for). After trying it on and realizing that the waist fit was okay but that these pants were too short, I asked the salesperson to find me a pair that had the proper length. He asked me if I was going to buy the pants if he found the right size! I was flabbergasted. I would never, ever have the audacity to ask someone that and he was dead straight faced.
I replied that I was not interested in buying anything and not to bother trying to find them.
I guess this place does okay with it's location right at Union station in the RB Plaza but judging by the 12 staff to one customer ratio I saw when I was there, they can shed some of the dead weight like my lovely helper.
Never. Again.