I used to love coming here as a kid, and this is a great kid friendly library. However, as an adult:
1) too loud. Kids everywhere. If you need to study/work quietly with no distractions (why many of us come to the library) this is not a good place.
2) Homeless people in the summertime. There are many in and around the library, taking up tables and sleeping etc. I get it's hot, but if you need a table or study room for a few hours with an outlet in the middle of summer you gotta get here right as the doors open at 0900.
3) wifi sucks. Some days it doesn't, but some days it does. I do a fair amount of studying and watching study related videos here and the buffer time is sometimes 5+ mins for one video. Frustrating.
It's an OK library. It's very clean and tidy, staff is friendly, but not a good library to study in if you need zero distraction.