This store has a home feel to it. Hmmm it's packed with projects and items that will make your home unique. They have a mailing list also if you would like to join the list this bothers me for one reason. Why are we not all treated as equal's you mean I have to give you my home address or email so I can shop and get nice things. Why cant everyone enjoy the same great deals. If sally can pay 2 dollars with a coupon. I say why can't we all and what's so cool about sally? Maybe it's her coupon. Well, on a long list of maybe's here is a huge maybe lmao maybe I will take my business some place else. Where we all get the same deals. And people don't pressure me by stepping into my personal life by sending me tons of junk mail. Coupon Soupon I like my privacy. Over all I give them three stars ok four stars the store is always nice and fun and the staff are always kind and professional.