| - #indiecoffeepassport #8
After we filled our stomachs with sushi, we continued our Indie Coffee Passport crawl to Te Aro.
When we arrived, the café was already bustling with activity. If I'm not mistaken, Te Aro might be one of the few cafes open in the area on a Sunday.
The overall vibe felt comfortable albeit a bit noisy for me, but I do think that as a large group, we contributed towards the noisy environment. Personally, if I came here by myself to do work, I wouldn't be able to concentrate. But I was meeting with, or was with a group of friends, then Te Aro's a good place for it. We were here for at least an hour where a game of Uno broke out and my friend Mark, who was in the neighbourhood, joined us for a bit. He also became initiated into the cult and favourite time waster otherwise known as Yelp.
I really like the décor: a contemporary feel with beautiful dark wood tables and shelves, a lot of industrial accents, and plenty of light. I'd like to return here in the summertime and sit on their patio.
As for my coffee, I ordered a regular cup of Joe which tasted good since they roast their own beans. But Mark's cappuccino looked really nice and from what he told me was yummy. I'll have to order it the next time I'm here.