| - I have seen a number of movies at this Cineplex location. It is fairly close to where I work. When I have a chance to leave the office early (I work more hours in a week than I should, simply because my workload is through the roof these days), I drive over to this theatre to unwind.
Some folks don't like going to the movies alone. I am the complete opposite. I'm perfectly comfortable watching a flick by myself. My popcorn, drink, and candy tend to keep me company!
Staff here are friendly. I had one incident in the past in which the ticket checker at the front wasn't there. She actually came after me as I was going into the theatre to check my ticket. That incident was the only odd one that I have experienced here.
I saw the latest Star Wars flick. Sure, I am a month late and may be the only one on the face of the Earth who seemed to have not seen in, but better late than never in 3D. I had the whole theatre to myself. I could laugh, cry, put my coat on the seat on my right, and my popcorn tray on my left, and no one could say anything.
The best part besides seeing a good movie was playing Timeplay, and ranking first and last!
There are plenty of parking spaces here and restaurants to dine in.