We hosted our daughter's b'day party today at the Queensway Cinema and it was a big hit. Here are the stats: 15 little girls; "High School Musical III"; 6 pottie runs; 6 large pizzas; 2 harried parents; 1 happy b'day girl.
The girls got together 1.5 hours before the movie began in one of the two party rooms. Pizza, juice and cake were served while the soundtrack of "High School Musical" played. Right before the movie started, the girls were escorted into the theater where an entire row of seats were reserved for them.
All-in-all, it was a fun afternoon. Two teenage employees tried to play party hosts, but they were clearly outnumbered and ill-equipped to control a bunch of kids who are hopped-up on cake. The hosts also floated between the two party rooms and disappeared quite often. The pizza served tasted like cardboard slathered with ketchup and sprayed-on cheese. The most important thing is the girls did not notice or did not care. Free parking was a bonus.