| - Beware RACIST golf ranger, he will spoil your day. Here's what we experienced; I and my foursome will NEVER be back here.
I and my 4some are all locals here in AZ, and two of them are Arcis Prime members. One of them is a local pro who played with us that day, and he experienced some very unprofessional and seemingly Racial discrimination from the ranger on duty. My friends name is Ruben (he's Hispanic) and had brought his young daughter (about 7 yrs old) to ride along with him. At check in he told the front desk that she would be riding with him and they had no issue with it. Later on the 3rd teebox, the ranger stopped by and began asking him if he had paid extra for his daughter to be able to ride along. Ruben explained what had happened, and the ranger kept going about it, but eventually left. As we were finishing up on the 9th hole, the ranger came flyin around the corner and drove onto the grass and came out of his cart and began telling us how slow we were playing (even though we had just finished 9 in about 2 hours and 10 minutes) in a very rude manner. We agreed to begin picking up the pase (even though we were not holding up play). Then as we're parking at the 10th teebox I see the ranger go park by the clubhouse and go stomping in. He comes out a few minutes later and comes flying over to us, then looks are ruben and in front of his daughter says that he's going to have to go back in and pay a fee for his daughter to ride. By this point it was so upsetting to Ruben that he packed it in at that point, grabbed his bag and left.
Ruben is very connected in the golf community out here and will make sure people know about what happened. Also he and the rest of us will never be back to Stonecreek after that as I don't feel what happened was right and don't deserve that when paying to have a nice round of golf on a Sunday. To make matters worse, this was done to someone who is a paying member of your Arcis program. Also, just so you're aware we went in after the round to provide this feedback to the pro shop front desk and the gentleman we spoke to was very defensive about the situation and didn't seem to care.
I hope you can address this situation. In my mind, I would not want a ranger like this employed at your course as he will be repelling players to never return vs doing his job as he should be and helping facilitate a great experience at a Stonecreek.