I've been to this comedy club twice now and both times were very good.
Pros: It's much more affordable than most comedy clubs and does NOT have a two drink minimum as most places do. I'm definitely going to have a few drinks, I just don't like being told I'm forced to =) Both times all of the comics were pretty funny. It's a very clean place, friendly servers and door people. The owner did a small comedy bit the first time I went and he was actually pretty funny.
Cons: Second visit had some stupid hecklers in the front row who were drunk as skunks and really annoying for everyone in attendance. They were constantly interjecting themselves into the acts and repeating punchlines, it was irritating. Finally the headliner started giving it back to them and telling them to stfu although they didn't. Then things got super tense when security asked them to be quiet and things almost got physical. The owner got onstage and started talking crap, but eventually cooler heads prevailed. If you go to a comedy show, sit there, laugh your butt off and stfu, no one paid to comes see YOU!
Definitely go again next time I'm in AZ.