After reading the reviews, both good and bad; I decide to take the chance and take the fam there to enjoy a nice Saturday morning breakfast. Well, we arrived late and ended up having lunch. We waited about 15 minutes to be seated. We were seated outside on a semi-enclosed patio. That day was very windy and cold. It was also very loud..
After waiting 30 minutes, we finally got our food. The description on the menu for my husbands sandwich said "piled high" What he got was totally different.. Maybe one slice of turkey was in his sandwich. The food was not that great..
Got the check and when to the counter to pay, I asked the owner to itemize the bill. I didn't feel comfortable paying just the total written on the bottom of the check.
Well, WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!! There was a mistake.. Not only is he charging people a different amount then what his menu reads, but he is also taxing every item..
You are supposed to tax the whole amount after everything is rung up.. Not each item.. Gheesh!
After arguing with him and creating a rucus in the restuarant; I was very glad to leave.. No apology was ever given and we will not be returning..
I will be contacting the airport to advise of them of the tax fraud going on there, as well. Usually I don't care about a few cents, but if he does that with everyone, it equals out to thousands of dollars a year.. It's ethically NOT RIGHT...
What a cheat!!!