I come here I end up waiting alittle long and the staff lady come to me that they need interpreter for ASL, I was told I do not need interpreter, just write it down. They refused to let me see the doctor. Second time, she asked me I have reschedule for an interpreter but, I will start work soon, I just want finish with all appointments before start job. They along call my mom without my permission and pissed me off already... I feel like they think I do not understand them and treat me a child because I gave them hard time thats what they told my mom. They should ask me a permission if she want to call my mom then I will approved it! I understand they do not want me sue them for no interpreter due to the law but, its my responsibility and its my rights for not order the interpreter, I do not want it. She promised me, she will call me back for reschedule before I was leave. I haven't heard from them few days.. I would never come that place ever again and have find other OBYN due to ovarian with small cyst before it gets worse!