| - Ooh fun, a new D&B, lets give this a shot we thought...we were met at the door by a crowd of people we basically had to push through to get in, beause the line to get the power cards gathers right at the main entrance (one of the more brilliant layouts I would say)...
We were so thirsty...went to the bar for a drink...nothing too complicated...a coke, a water, and decided, what the heck french fries sound like a good we stood at the least 8 empty seats...5 ppl behinf the bar so I would say not one ever bussed the dishes and glasses in front of us...but no biggie we would wander with our spoils and spend money on their games (their business model last I checked) so instead of spending the monies we waited 15 min (possibly more) for someone to even glance in our direction after repeatedly begging for I order: coke, water and fries prob he says, brings me water...then asks, now what did you want again...fries and a coke...ok I will put that in...20 minutes later, no I ask someone if he can find out about the fries...he calls something over the walkie then says, they are coming...I assume on a slow boat from France, or wherever it is French fries come from...because 15 min later, no I ask again and he says, "did you already pay for them," what!? So I said yes, according to my receipt here I did 41 minutes ago...and he says, I'll get the manager. So manager comes over and says, "what's wrong?" I just looked at know that look the the dog gives you when you ask them if they want more dog food while you eat steak...yeah, thats the look...I mumbled something about fries, and being abandoned by my frends who were bored of waiting and he said, "did you already pay for them?" So this took all of the remaining patience left in my french fryless body to simply say yes, and he said, "would you like them to go?" So now I am questioning, am I being thrown out for inappropriate ordering? Was asking for the water pushing it? So he brings us fries...not too long later...we eat the fries...and we head to play of the brand new free games ...the screen was jumping and so screwed up that te husband was pretty disappointed, another stopped working right before we got to it...however while waiting, I watched a gentleman shatter his spirits into the ball holder of a particular game and leave glass and beer all over the machine...I spoke to one of their floor attendants who said..."we see it all the time, people ignore the tables...ha ha ha...and we lose more mother boards that way." So I said I am concerned with the glass fragments in the machine where people put their hands, he said I am more concerned with the mother board.
So kudos to you D&B for finding so many ways to tell a customer that you don't care at all about them.