Holy cow! I went to this place very hopeful! The positive reviews are initially what brought me and someone at work actually recommended this place as one of the best pizza places that they've ever been to in Las Vegas. I am currently rethinking my friendship with this person.
Disclaimer: I absolutely love pizza.
"What does that even mean Dee? Everybody loves pizza."
No, people like pizza, they may even enjoy pizza.
But Pizza is my desert island food.
I would even go so far as to consider myself a pizza connoisseur. I have recently come back from a trip to New York where I literally walked from the bottom of the city towards the top for hours trying different slices of pizza.
Every meal I had during a 3 day trip consisted of pizza. That's true commitment.
Anyway, I had just had a long day snowboarding and was craving some of that New York style pizza so I went to Amano's.
Anyone who says that this pizza tastes like New York pizza is one of two things: A filthy liar or someone who is never actually been to New York or even been in the same room as an NY slice.
To keep it simple, this pizza tasted like cafeteria pizza. It reminded me of that square cut of pizza you got in elementary school but you have now finally graduated to having a crust with it.
The cheese was so rubbery and had that "fake cheese" taste. (You know what I'm talking about.)
This place single-handedly made me create a "try a slice first and then go for another" rule for myself because now I am stuck with two slices of cafeteria pizza. Bleh. Pass.