We have been loyal customers to Camp Bow Wow in Greentree and upon moving, The Dog Stop on Banksville road is closer to our home so we took our dog there. We have NEVER had a problem at CBW.
Our first "trial" day at TDS was fine but the second time, my dog came back to me wet, sticky and super smelly. When we got home, I immediately bathed her and her bath water was dark brown. GROSS.
It's not out of the ordinary for her to sleep a ton after, so after she ate and dried off, she fell asleep. Throughout the evening, she was producing a ton of eye boogies. The next morning, they were really goopy and there was drool around her entire mouth that was also a yellowish/greenish sticky consistency. She now has not drank any water and has been very lethargic all day. I've had to syringe water into her mouth to make sure she's getting water.
The front of her tounge is bright red and the back looks like she has thrush. We are going to the vet tomorrow (on a Sunday $$$) to find out what is wrong. Not a happy dog mom.