I love TJ's. It's pretty much my go-to grocery stop. I end up picking up a few things elsewhere but I'm attached to some Trader Joe's standbys that I just can't do without, and they're a great place to grab a sandwich or salad or whatever if you're running errands on your lunch break. I confess: I have eaten an entire party sushi plate from Trader Joe's in one sitting. No shame. Their chocolate spread is better than Nutella, imo, and I love their various nut butters. The wines are well priced and there's a good selection range depending on what you're purchasing for. I honestly think their cheese section has the best prices in town. I always have a current Trader Joe's addiction, right now it's the Wasabi Seaweed snacks. Spicy, light, perfect! Although now I'm thinking about their whoopie pies and coffee cake... and fruit floes... clearly, I need to make Trader Joe's run this weekend.