I have taken my two girls here a handful of times over the last year or so, and they have always had a great time. Today however, is the last time I will ever spend my money at this place. My girls and I were putting our shoes on because we were ready to leave. I decided to take my two-year-old to the restroom before leaving because she is newly potty-trained, and I did not want any accidents on the way home. As I am nearing the restroom, I hear a sort of commotion and I turn to find that one of the owners is running after me. I realize after a few moments that he is screaming "no shoes! no shoes!" I completely spaced the no shoes on the floor policy! I immediately apologized and offered to take my shoes off where I was standing so that I could use the restroom. The owner interrupted my apology and said loudly and repeatedly that I was "disrespectful." I was incensed and outraged, but I held my tongue and attempted to explain calmly that I meant no disrespect; it had been a simple oversight on my part. He walked away from me while I was speaking back to the front counter with a pissed-off look on his face and continued repeating that I was disrespectful. First of all, how dare he assume that it was my intention to disrespect their "no shoes" policy. I am sure that in the time their establishment has been open others have forgotten to take off their shoes before walking on the floors (this is apparent in the horrible tape-job that has been done on the damaged areas that should really be professionally repaired). Secondly, that man had absolutely no right to be so rude to me IN FRONT OF MY TWO GIRLS even after I tried to explain that I had simply forgotten to take my shoes off before trying to take my daughter to the restroom. Long story short, I left without taking my little girl to the restroom (thankfully we made it home with no accidents). There is no excuse for the owner of this place to treat me the way that he did. I feel disrespected by this establishment, and I will be spending my money at the many other places around town that offer similar indoor play-time equipment for my girls. BEWARE, this place does not tolerate mistakes!