| - This place is HUGE!!!! and has everything you could ask for and then some! Definitely makes Walmart look downright tiny!
You can't use a credit card here. You can only pay cash (dollar bills, debit, or check). So, you do get lower prices on things, but have the cash hassle to deal with.
Produce prices can't be beat for sure unless you are getting them for free (share that secret with me if you are getting them free!). But on certain things you cannot check for the quality of the product. Example - corn on the cob $0.18 an ear, buuuut they have a sign saying you can't peel the corn. So yeah great price, but if you can't check for the quality of the ears (ripeness, bugs, mold, etc...) prior to purchase you are taking a gamble. They leave the produce in huge bulk boxes - so you have to dig around for the right one. Leaves more opportunities for the more fragile produce to get damaged (tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers etc..).
Pretty awesome bulk food selection, very impressed actually. Candy, pet food, pastas, grains, beans. So i can see myself shopping here for some of those items.
No fliers currently saying what's on sale (like Smith's and other stores), you kind of have to wander the aisles to figure that all out. So it could kind of mess up your shopping agenda.
Being in the store for the first time, you do have to go through the whole store to really get the layout. Because they tend to place things differently than traditional supermarkets.
Not sure if they take manufacturer coupons or not.
You do have to do your own bagging, which could be a blessing or a curse depending on how much you buy, and if you have wee ones with you.
Can't really say if this is THE best place to shop, but it definitely has some competitive edges. Will be probably be back in this area.