| - I was in from Phoenix for the weekend, saw the event posted up on Yelp and decided to make an afternoon of it. What is normally a regularly scheduled farmers market is annually transformed into a full blown festival. With food eating contests, live bands, and excitement everywhere. I was aiming to join in on the pie eating contest, but arrived just a minute or two before it started and didn't get a chance to sign up in time. Next time ;-)
After the pie eating contest, I had some time so I introduced myself and chatted for a few minutes with Drew, the local Yelp Community Manager and a handful of other Yelp Locals. It was cool to meet you guys and congrats LJ on 4th place! Or was it 3rd, uh well. You beat the other 12 or so people on stage out to a "sweet" victory!
The location, Tivoli Village, was quite a spectacular venue. With stone work all around, just the sight of the restaurants and retail shops was worth the visit. We got to walk around, check out the different vendors selling anything from manly desserts, beef jerkey, hand made jewelry, fresh farmed vegetables, hummus, and much more too.
On the way out, I stopped by a mobile art studio and perused through a number of pieces from local artists. Not particularly interested in anything on display in the bus, the operator clued me in to the downtown art district, with tons of local antique shops and art studios. On the way out of town, we ended up going through and finding a couple of fun things to bring back home to Phoenix.
I'm a fan of farmers markets, local vendors, and artists too. If you have the chance, come by next year or to one of the normal market Saturdays and Happy Yelping!