Since I've had my baby, I haven't been able to treat myself to the wonderfulness that is pedicures and manicures. But I treated myself to both today at Pamper Me Salon on Rancho and Craig. It was all I wanted and hoped for. So relaxing and the woman that did both my toes and nails "May" was so nice and considerate. Always making sure the temperature of the water or towel was ok. Making sure she wasn't scrubbing my feet too hard. If she was cutting my cuticles, she always was attentive to making sure I was ok with what she was doing. When we went to the manicure desk, she turned on the fan, and I get cold easily, so she noticed my hands got colder and asked if I wanted it off. Very very attentive! I'm moving further south soon, but I will still make the drive up here to get my nails done when I want or need them done. Overall relaxing experience for this very tired mama.