First time - Tourist Perspective($20+/Adult) 3.5/5.0
Casa Loma. Must be at the Castle Frank TTC station, right? Wrong!
Dupont station. Walk walk walk walk walking towards. Hill or Stairs! Dang!
Front Entrance. Weekend line-ups. Summer no-A/C. 2x Dang!
Pas L'anglais? Self-guided Mulit-linguo Multimedia Tours. C'est Bien!
Castle. Impressive history lesson for Kids & First-timers. A+!
Time. Place too big. Go faster so we won't miss Leafs game. Go Go Go!
Second time - Local Perspective 2.0/5.0
Meh. When's the last time a local Torontonian will go Casa Loma willingly?
What? Locals barely remember year of Confederation, let alone info about CL.
Food. Overpriced Tourist-trap sandwiches in the dingy window-less basement.
Price. Open Houses are usually free on Weekends around Town.
Third time - 1920s Home Perspective 4.0/5.0
Home Sweet Home. Top Class. Top Cost. High Tech. Beautiful Garden. Luxurious.
If you can go to Casa Loma with Background Knowledge and Free Time...
Enjoy the plethora of Flora in the Garden. Admire the Technology of it's time.
Watch Kids run about like it's a Theme Park. Look down upon YOUR Downtown TO.