| - At this point, all I can say for sure is that I am very hopeful. I dropped my beloved little chihuahua - somehow she squirmed out of my arms - and she fractured her hip. I brought her to Las Vegas Animal Emergency and they X-Rayed her and told me that "the news isn't good." They offered me 3 options - 2 of which were killing my baby - or "putting her down" to be euphemistic. For me and my beloved, death is a last resort - not an "option." So I took her to Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center - which, to their credit, the LV Animal Emergency recommended. Now my baby is going to have surgery. At LV Animal Emergency they didn't even know such surgery was possible. I am hopeful - but I will update!!
So my chihuahua did great. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this hospital. It is, imo, the best in Las Vegas, if not in the entire country. I have never seen better care taken of animals. Unfortunately, my little chihuahua is back there for entirely different reasons - but at least I know that she is getting the best care possible. If you want the best of the best, the Specialty Center is the place to go. They will do everything possible to save your beloved pet and unlike other places, euthanasia is not something that they recommend until and unless it is a last resort. If you want to save your dog or cat, there is no other place to go.