This event was freaking sweet! I came here last min and made it just in time to catch a glimpse of Capital Cities at the Ambassador stage. I didn't spend too much time there but the crowd participation was lively. Lots of thoughts went into the production.
Next up was Imagine Dragons at the Downtown Stage which I believe is the main stage just a few blocks away. Navigating was easy since they had directory at every intersections with time slots as well. Or you could take your chance and follow the crowd if you're THAT lazy.
I didn't get to eat anything, but there were plenty of food and beer (Heineken) booths around. I see a lot of people eating pizza and corn dogs. Think it was $5 a beer
for a ~14oz glass which is reasonable.
If you want liquor avoid El Cortez. Their bartenders were slow with poor attitudes. Took us 25min for our dranks. Also prepare to have a plan C as they're very limited on their selections. I suggest going to any bars on Fremont Street instead. We were in and out of Insert Coins within 5min and it was cheaper too!
I wasn't there that long and pretty much came without a game plan, but still I felt this was a successful event. Maybe a little understaffed with the P.A.D. (Public Area Dept aka cleaning crew) as trash cans everywhere were piling up. At least the massive porta-potties area were adequate though. Shuttling from World Market Center didn't seem to be a problem either since most my friends used it. Plenty of things to do and money to spend stuff on. I'm rarely downtown but all the space were well utilized. Easily the best block party I ever been to. If whomever decide to host another LIB event I would most def make arrangements to attend again. Life is pretty dope!
Don't forget to check out the yelp booth at the Hubtridge Stages for some cool swags!