| - My take on Mill street is that it's your classic college-town main strip area with a couple bars with big TV's, a burrito place, a burger place, the quintessential late night grease-craving joint and a couple "edgy" "boutiques" selling overpriced Asian imports to tourists that will bite (guilty), and college students trying to reinvent themselves with "hippie-chic," whatever the f that is. (Um, also guilty...)
But I way digress! Streets like this also always have a couple more decorous dining establishments for when the parental units are in town -- which is exactly what I happen to have stumbled upon in this place, and perfect because if there's anything I love as much as edgy "hippie chic," it's decorum.
I treated myself to my one sit-down meal during a week of travel/ being late for everything/ conference bagged lunches, and can't think of much more to have asked for than sitting outside on their little street-side patio with my glass of rosé and my truffle oil pizza. Granted I've had better rosé and more perceptive service, but man, truffle oil. Self indulgent afternoon success.