My first shopping experience here and I did not receive the excellent service other Yelpers have stated. I went into the store with my mom to look for a very specific purse to purchase. For whatever reason, no one wanted to assist us. I was looking wall to wall for this purse while other associates just glace at me and did not come up to us. I finally found the purse but wanted to see if they have a new one in stock. So here I am, standing around holding it and looking for someone to talk to. Nope. So I said to my mom (in Cantonese), I honestly don't know what's up with the service in here but you know what, I'm just going to take a picture of their current sale sign and go bring it to Nordstrom to do a price match then (Nordstrom had a price match promotion that day). At that exact moment a sales associate (not one of the ones I saw on the floor) popped out from the back asking if she can help me. From that point on her and the manager provided better service but really... first impression has been ruined.
I can only assume that their sales are not commission based.