| - Beepi is revolutionizing the way we buy cars. I can't say it enough to people. The most important thing for us as consumers to know is what car you want. What is that car and do not settle. It's this very information that dealerships twist and turn and so many of us time after time leave with the car the dealership wanted to sell you and not what you wanted and probably didn't realize or could believe you were possible of owning. That's what Beepi is changing. They don't have fancy commercials, and sexy models, and most importantly they DO NOT have dealerships. They don't have monstrosities of buildings that feel intimidating as soon as you walk in them. Beepi also doesn't have salespeople, they just have people. Real people who respond in a flash day or night and help you without any agenda besides to help you get the car you want.
I tell people I bought a car online and immediately minds close. Then I tell them my details - that they still took my trade in for more than anyone else would pay. That they answered every question by email within 3 minutes and that I didn't even need GAP insurance, because my car isn't worth more than I owe. Because they do not need to tag on all sorts of accessories fees to pay to upkeep a dealership. When I begin to tell people my details, people start listening. As Justin said who delivered my car, the system is broken and Beepi wants to help fix it.
I looked for over a year for the right car. I was in no hurry to jump into car payments. After having to let every dealerships and salesperson I had visited over that year that I finally found my deal, they knew A. they were in trouble B. consumers are not dumb, and C. one salesperson asked me for the website info so that he could apply.
My car was everything they said and more. From the first email to sitting in my kitchen signing documents was a total of 7 days, not business days, 7 days total. In my kitchen, in the comfort of my home, just two people doing fair business. That is what car should be...well maybe not always in my kitchen, but the point is THIS IS REAL.
I don't yelp and I don't review - most times I believe the business should know and do their homework to provide the best service as I'm not here to teach them as a consumer. But this was different, this is a public service I feel I am doing. For anyone that might read this, Beepi is the only way to buy a car fairly in this day and age.
Thank you Beepi, you made me the person in charge of my car choice and deal!
Thanks again,
Stephanie Wiersum