| - I was on the hunt for a good croissant. Croissants are one of those things I find tricky. Most of them are terrible in these parts. I went to the bakery next to Federal Pizza owned by the Coes hoping to find a good one. The young man behind the counter told me that he believed the shop made them, but he had only been working there for 2 weeks and hadn't seen any made in that time. I got on Yelp and since I didn't want to go out to Tempe to that apparently fabulous Essence Bakery, I decided to go to French Grocery. I used to live around the corner from this place back in the day when it was a Circle K. (hey, that rhymed!) I used to scrape together $1.50 in quarters and walk there to pick up smokes. Yes, back in the 80s, cigarettes cost $1.50.....really. But I digress.....I went into French Grocery and it seemed pretty bare bones. The cheese case was tiny. Like, you can get a better selection in the Safeway Deli... Many of them weren't even French. But I was there for croissants. I was going to a friend's house for coffee and thought these would make a nice accompaniment to the brew. Wow. What a complete disappointment. I got 2 plain and two almond. The almond ones were hollow where they should have had almond paste, like the filling had melted out of them while baking. We were left with the merest hint of flavor. But the worst part? The croissant dough was just bad. Really bad. I've lived in 2 cities with large Vietnamese populations and they are known for their excellent bakeries. They were, after all, colonized by the French for a long time. Anyway, I know my way around a great croissant and we didn't finish either kind. The plain were just wrong. Crusty like a biscuit, not flaky and buttery......dense and very dry. It's almost as if they forgot to put the butter in the dough! The consistency was so unlike that of a real croissant, they should take the French out of the name French Grocery. Quelle disappointment. I guess I'll have to continue my quest. Also, they were way overpriced, even for a great croissant....Boo.